Why Women Give up Sex: Too Tired, Not in the Mood or Too Dry to Try?

With our busy schedules, it’s easy to forget to make time for sex, which may help with mood and intimacy within a relationship. So, with all these positives, why should women want to give up one of life’s most pleasurable pastimes? Because they’re too tired, not in the mood or too dry to try.
Facts about vaginal dryness:
- Vaginal dryness can affect women of all ages due to childbirth, menopause, cancer treatment and a host of other issues, which can cause painful sex, irritation, itching, burning and soreness and can worsen over time.
- Regular intercourse even into the 80s and 90s can help maintain vaginal elasticity and lubrication.
- Cigarette smoking can lower estrogen levels, contributing to vaginal dryness in peri-menopause.
- Sex can be made more enjoyable after menopause by treating dryness with a vaginal moisturizer.
- Allergy medications with antihistamines can dry out mucous membranes, including those in the vaginal wall.
- While local vaginal estrogen is safe and effective, some women don’t feel comfortable using hormone therapy and seek alternatives or a companion product like Replens.
- Avoid using vinegar, yogurt, douches, hand lotions, soaps and bubble baths. They will only irritate the sensitive tissue of the vagina and vulva and exacerbate dryness.
- Sjogren’s syndrome can lead to vaginal dryness.
- Diuretics like caffeine and alcohol can exacerbate vaginal dryness.
According to clinical studies and published in scientific journals, Replens is considered an effective solution for women suffering from vaginal dryness.
The New England Journal of Medicine published, “In a randomized trial, a polycarbophil-based vaginal moisturizer available over the counter (Replens) provided relief of vaginal (dryness) symptoms that was equivalent to that of vaginal estrogen,” stated the article titled “Management of Menopausal Symptoms,” by Deborah Grady, M.D., M.P.H.
When used twice weekly, the Replens Long-Lasting Vaginal Moisturizer’s unique bioadhesive binds directly to vaginal cells, thickens tissues, increases elasticity and reduces the incidence of vaginal dryness by attaching to dry cells and delivering continuous moisture — hydrating and rejuvenating vaginal tissues for three full days. Replens is fragrance-free and compatible with natural rubber, latex, polyisoprene and polyurethane condoms.
The Replens family of hormone-free products work together to provide a complete solution to vaginal dryness and discomfort. Replens Long-Lasting Vaginal Moisturizer helps relieve internal dryness for up to three days, leaving tissues hydrated by replenishing moisture and rejuvenating dry internal vaginal cells, while Replens Moisture Restore External Comfort Gel addresses vulvar dryness or outside skin. Replens Silky Smooth silicone personal lubricant supplements the body’s natural lubrication when applied just before sex to help ease penetration, decrease discomfort and enhance intimacy.
Lauren Streicher, M.D. in her book, “Sex RX,” concludes, “In spite of claims from dozens of products that call themselves ‘long-acting moisturizers,’ Replens vaginal moisturizer has been proven in scientific studies to actually thicken vaginal walls, increase lubrication and decrease painful intercourse.”
So, with all the simple OTC products and solutions available right at the neighborhood drugstore, make sure you’re not too dry to try. While some women may require a prescription product, first try a good moisturizer and lube regimen and communicate with your partner to reignite that relationship spark.