Jill Tietjen

Jill Tietjen

Early Inventors – Women in History
We have written about women inventors before but there are always new ones whose stories we would like to share. In this month’s column, enjoy...

Social Reform Advocates – Women in History
Women have been at the forefront of many social reform movements during the history of our country. The movements to which we are referring include...

Women Anthropologists in History
Anthropologists study human relationships, the norms and values of societies, languages, human economic behavior, the biological development of humans, and the impacts of disease on...

Women Contribute to the Country’s Infrastructure
The U.S. Congress has spent much of 2021 working on a bill to fund improvements and repairs to our country’s infrastructure – the underpinning of...

Women on Quarters
With the Circulating Collectible Coin Redesign Act of 2020, the U.S. Congress directed the Secretary of the Treasury to design and issue coins in each...

Summer Olympic Athletes In History
By the time this column is published, the delayed 2020 Summer Olympics should have been held in Tokyo, Japan. The athletes that participate have honed...

Women In History – Female Sculptors
Did you know that a woman was the youngest artist to ever get a commission for a statue from the U.S. Government? Although women sculptors...

Women Instrumentalists in History
Music and the arts have suffered tremendously during the current pandemic. Yet they are so important to our life and culture. In this month’s column,...

Tribal Women Leaders in History
In 2021, Deb Haaland, of the Laguna Pueblo in New Mexico, became the first Native American Secretary of the Interior. A single mother who grew...

Women on U.S. Postage Stamps
Nuclear physicist Chien-Shiung Wu is featured on a 2021 postage stamp. Martha Washington was the first American woman to be featured on a U.S. postage...