Ask Carrie – Cellulite!

Carrie Pierce has worked exclusively in the Health, Beauty and…
I’m really starting to get bad cellulite and am feeling depressed. Why is this happening? Is there anything I can do to help it? I exercise and watch what I eat but nothing’s helping.
Lynda M. of Santa Cruz, CA
Cellulite is very common in women, Lynda- but it can even be found in some unlucky men and a few teenage girls, so take heart. It’s not just you!
It also profoundly worsens with the onset of Menopause- and it’s only now becoming clear as to why exactly this is.
During the peri-menopausal hormone bounce of a woman’s 30’s and early 40’s, the female body prepares for the onset of full-blown Menopause. PRIOR to Menopause, cellulite is actually a condition comprised of two basic issues: Decreased microcirculation deep in the skin tissues- and inflammation caused by free radical buildup and insufficient lymphatic drainage.
AFTER Menopause however, another factor kicks in to greatly exacerbate the condition. This factor being: the dreaded hormone imbalances that accompany the Menopause process-chiefly excess estrogen.
It’s now thought that excess Estrogen can cause the body’s connective tissues- and septae- to weaken. This weakening allows fat deposits to collect and push to the surface of the skin in bundles. Coupling this Estrogen-induced weakening of the connective tissue with the earlier mentioned poor microcirculation and lymphatic drainage, you have the Perfect Storm scenario for the development and progression of cellulite.
As hormones become unbalanced, a woman’s skin begins to thin. Collagen and Elastin also weaken. This causes further rupture and structural failure of the septae and consequently a profound worsening of the dimpled appearance of the skin as more and more fat bundles push toward the surface.
The bad news is, once cellulite develops it can’t be ‘cured’. The good news is, it can be helped.
While not all cellulite treatment products such as creams and/or lotions are legitimate, there are some that actually can -and DO-lessen the visible appearance of cellulite. Certain ingredients such as caffeine and key herbs and botanicals when used topically assist in this lessening effect.
Also certain vitamins, minerals and herbs taken internally have been shown to assist in maintaining healthy blood flow and microcirculation.
Body wraps and message techniques also help with moving trapped lymphatic fluid- but without a doubt, pursuing medical help to balance your hormones during peri-menopause -and Menopause –is truly Key in improvement and prevention!
If you –or any of the other readers would like a list of the herbs, botanicals and treatments known to truly help with the condition of cellulite, contact Sandra Morgan directly and we’ll make a Cellulite bonus available to you for free.
Good Luck with your cellulite issue Lynda- and as you ‘battle’ this condition please remember, loving yourself and having confidence in yourself is Key. You’re so much more than your hips, thighs and fanny! Flash your winning smile and let the world know you love and value yourself. No one will notice those extra dimples because they’ll be too dazzled by the full magnificence that is
Thanks for writing in. I hope my input helps!
[askmeanythingpeople success_text=”Your question is saved and Ask Carrie will respond asap!” question_box_title=”Ask Carrie Your Mid-Life Beauty and Skin Health Question” placeholder=”If you wish to remain anonymous, please do not leave any personal information.” ask_button_text=”Ask Carrie” avatar=”blank”]Health and Beauty has been Carrie E. Pierce’s career focus for over 28 years. Throughout her career, Carrie has served as: Guest and Corporate Makeup Artist for numerous major, international cosmetic companies and as a Hollywood film, TV and special effects makeup artist. She’s provided skin care and makeup services for the fashion industry, as well as restorative make up procedures for burn and scar patients, cancer patients, domestic violence survivors and women suffering with self-esteem issues. Carrie is a licensed Aesthetician, Certified Color Analyst, Menopause Skin Care Specialist, Author, Public Speaker and served as co host of the syndicated radio show ‘Magnificent Menopause & Beyond©’. It’s her mission and her passion to help women be the best they can be – especially as they move through Midlife! Find out more at

Author: Carrie Pierce
Carrie Pierce has worked exclusively in the Health, Beauty and Entertainment industries for over 30 years. She’s a Licensed Aesthetician, Certified Color Analyst, former Hollywood Film and TV Makeup Artist, syndicated Radio Talk Show Host and a published Author, specializing in Midlife Health and Beauty issues. It’s Carrie’s mission -and her passion- to help make Midlife the very best it can be- for women and men everywhere!

Carrie Pierce has worked exclusively in the Health, Beauty and Entertainment industries for over 30 years. She’s a Licensed Aesthetician, Certified Color Analyst, former Hollywood Film and TV Makeup Artist, syndicated Radio Talk Show Host and a published Author, specializing in Midlife Health and Beauty issues. It’s Carrie’s mission -and her passion- to help make Midlife the very best it can be- for women and men everywhere!