What I’ve Learned – About Life and Love

Pat Matson’s path of life’s unfoldment has led her into…
I’ve always thought the true value and worth of a nation lies in its seniors. I love the value some cultures place on its seniors with their understanding. It seems that I can travel between the time I first zeroed in on that to where I am today in one blinding mental flash, although the chronology took nearly 70 years. When I first had the idea for a series around this topic, Sandra generously agreed, so you’re reading the maiden voyage of the What I’ve Learned series today.
I’ve come to see Life as an endless continuum, and because unfolding an understanding about Life has long been my primary motivation, I think what I’ve gathered around the topic is both wise and abundant. I share that with you in the hope that it stimulates more good in your life.
In the early days when my efforts were consciously taken off remote control, when I fully owned my own life decisions, I became a keen observer. One of my favorite tales is about the Indian brave and his son who stood on a hilltop watching a herd of horses across on another hill. The brave asked his son “What color is that horse, son?” pointing to a particular animal.
The young boy did not answer immediately. (This part of the story had a strong impression on me based on my old thinking that I had to have an answer at the ready at all times.) He looked and thought and looked and thought some more.
Finally, he answered his dad “That horse is brown” he said slowly, and then he added “on this side.”
I cannot think of anything in life that doesn’t deserve a good, long think and as I steadily made this part of my habit, I realized that there ARE many ways to skin a cat, and that perhaps my one “way” wasn’t the be all, do all, end all that I thought it was. Loving acceptance grew from this.
Ken Keyes said “Life is just a game we play, and there is no special way.” The way of my parents didn’t necessarily need to be my way, nor did my children need to adopt my way. Life is big enough to encompass the fullness of the Allness of Good. There’s plenty of room for each of us to entertain our own concepts of what Life is, to base our living on those concepts, and to reap the benefits or the band-aids from our efforts. It does take courage.
I learned that each of us is Life Itself; that Life is the animating principle some people call God; and that this principle dwells within each alive being so that it can be easily utilized and guided by us with our thoughts.
I’ve introduced these ideas to a few interested folks and helped them to recognize how their daily thinking is what is creating their daily experience. I know that this is not what’s commonly thought of as the way it is. Yet, somehow, someway, when this gets explained to people, and they make a decision to consider its truth, they begin to see “coincidences.” I smile when I look back on my own coincidences. They seem so random in the beginning but once you get the hang of it, they become the norm.
When a truth is presented to another, that person has an option to consider it, to agree with it, to disagree with it, to completely ignore it or perhaps to incorporate it. I’m a greedy guts for truth. Not only do I want to learn about it, I want to know how to use it so that my life is aggrandized. One of my most precious tidbits of understanding about Life is that when a truth wafts by, the best thing to do is to see if you can incorporate it into your life. I think of this as Application.
Application is different than gathering up knowledge or information. This is intellectuality. Application means taking one idea and making it your own consciously through using it so that the levels of health, wealth, success, harmony and happiness each move up on the scale of being. This is Intelligence.
You may have a Ph. D. in a particular topic and that is knowledge, but when you can take the bits and pieces of that knowledge and use them through Application to improve your life, now you unfold Wisdom. “Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore, get wisdom,” it says in the Old Testament of the Bible. In Life, it is Application that gets you there.
I have such gratitude for playing in this game called Life. I play it according to my rules, and in all truth, I have to tell you that I tried a lot of methods along the way until I found the right one. I grew up Catholic; became a nun; moved into metaphysics; and ended up teaching it. Each one of those steps took some gut wrenching, and when you’re main motivation is to understand Life, well, it’s certainly worth every effort you’ll be asked to take.
How you can apply the truth:
- Select a topic you’d like to think about, to manifest, or to have in your life.
- Stifle the day’s swirl of crap currently going through your mind. Consciously become still and mentally embrace your power, the power of the good in which image you were born.
- Think of as many aspects of the topic you desire. How does it work? How does it look? Can you see it up close or do you think it’s separate from you? Picture it in your mind and claim that you have it now. (You DO have it now in your mind.) Expect that your thinking is manifesting right now.
- Conjure up good feelings about your desire. Hug it. Love it. Think of the best feeling you’ve ever felt and mentally slather your desire abundantly with that feeling.
DO NOT TOLERATE DOUBT OR FEAR as they will kill the process.
Bottom Line, I love Life and all of its millions and millions of iterations. How could one become bored with so much to embrace and comprehend? I love that Life is an animating principle which I can use to resolve my challenges. I love that I can share this understanding with others who’re interested. I often saw myself in the role of Martha who cooked and cleaned and feed the crowd when Jesus came to visit. Now, I think I’ve turned into the Mary of that story: she who listens, observes and contemplates.
Next month, the topic will be about Buying Stuff. I am looking forward to writing it for you.
I’ve retired from my copywriting business. I’m still teaching metaphysics. If you would like to know what is behind the way I think, pat.matson@gmail.com is the best way to reach me. I want to make hundreds more new friends and share what I’ve learned before it’s time to go toes up. BTW, I’ve always thought living to be 126 was a great idea. I’m working on it.

Author: Pat Matson
Pat Matson’s path of life’s unfoldment has led her into the world of copywriting where she lends her expertise to the writing of blogs, ezines, curriculum and articles with a common sense message for entrepreneurs, especially life coaches or spiritual coaches. Pat loves to bring the story inside her clients representing their businesses out into the world that needs it so. In addition to her copywriting, Pat is a Walter Method Teacher of metaphysics where she helps illuminate Life’s Laws for her students. Pat’s Write Mind is her home base.

Pat Matson’s path of life’s unfoldment has led her into the world of copywriting where she lends her expertise to the writing of blogs, ezines, curriculum and articles with a common sense message for entrepreneurs, especially life coaches or spiritual coaches. Pat loves to bring the story inside her clients representing their businesses out into the world that needs it so. In addition to her copywriting, Pat is a Walter Method Teacher of metaphysics where she helps illuminate Life’s Laws for her students. Pat’s Write Mind is her home base.