What I have Learned…About Creating Results
Pat Matson’s path of life’s unfoldment has led her into…
I have learned that Life is a perfected learning experience. Have you seen that in your life? For me, one of the things I enjoy most are the results I create out of my learning experiences. St. Paul nailed it when he called this life the schoolmaster state. I was one of those kids who loved school and did well at it, so the idea of a lifetime of school just thrilled me.
Conquering school challenges earned the results of good grades for me. At that season of my life, that was enough. As I entered into adulthood though, like all the rest of you, I wanted to do something wonderful, something more stellar than a grade on a report card.
It is my nature to be deeply spiritual – to go for the bottom-line ultimate in whatever it was I was doing. My involvement in the church of my childhood led me straight into the convent. At that time, I saw convent life as the ultimate, but what I saw from the inside led me to disillusionment. However, after only six short years, the result I created was to leave. I was 25 years old then.
I knew there had to be “more”, but I had no clue what shape that more would assume. The Schoolmaster – my Life – led me right into and then out of a fruitful marriage where the results were my two handsome, intelligent, humorous sons. One of my biggest, strongly enforced life lessons was that of single motherhood. Unless you experience that yourself, you can never know the challenges of stepping up to the plate in single parenthood can do to you and ultimately for you. It was a 24/7, 18-year job and it was relentless. It is the love of my children that kept my nose to the grindstone, because boy! Did I want to escape!
I was learning life’s rules rapidly but I was often overwhelmed. So much to learn! So much to do! So much to achieve! I had two boy’s lives to nurture; two boys to feed, clothe, and shelter. I had a job to go to and a house to maintain, and because of my can-do attitude, it seldom occurred to me how full my plate was. I stayed focused on the results (two fine young men) and kept moving forward. I am most proud of this result. I was forced to be inventive, to persevere, to teach my sons high ideals, to continue to learn, and to have fun along the way.
All of our life experiences help to affect change in our lives and to produce results. Along the way, I learned that what you think is what you get. I have no clue who first said that, but it’s one powerful statement. I began to see that if I wanted a change in our lives, I had to begin to think about it. The details involved would begin to show up in my mind, and across a period of time, I could see ways of implementation. I’ve been a problem solver all my life, so this came naturally to me once I quit seeing the challenges as difficult and began to see them as opportunities.
I’ve had a challenging, wonderful, kaleidoscope of a life and I love the results I’ve created. I still have a short list of things I’d like to accomplish before I go toes up and that keeps me interested and moving forward. If you’d indulge a bit of philosophy? Yes, one of my life’s results is that I’ve unfolded along philosophical lines.
I have learned that one of the most profitable learnings that’s an ingredient of every Life Lesson is learning about your Self. You resolve an argument between your kids, and you learn about your Self. You balance your checkbook and you learn about your Self. You prepare a new recipe and you learn about your Self. You conquer a fear and you learn about your Self. If you’re introspective to any degree, you’ve seen this. I love this learning. There doesn’t seem to be an end to who I am and what I can do…. If I’m still willing, that is.
It doesn’t matter what challenge is facing you, because you’re in the schoolmaster state of life, you can learn, discover, unfold, or create a solution and at the same time learn more about your Self. Solutions are unlimited, unless you think they are limited – or totally missing – and then what you think will be what you get.
You are like an artist, sculpting your life’s results according to your own ideas. Whether you’re healthy enough, wealthy enough or wise enough, you can create the results you desire as part of your lifetime learning.
Could it be time for a fresh look at your life? Could it be an opportunity to assess your current results and consciously create an upgrade? I always felt I was worthy of any efforts I expended to manifest the results I desired, and If I fell short, to give it a rest and take a fresh look a way down the road.
You are a manifestor. Give it a try. Pick something small that you want for an experiment. Begin to think about it. Write down the ideas that come up. You might say a lot of “No, not this” but at some point, the perfect solution will present itself and you’ll say “Yes! This!” Try it. You’ll like the results you’ve created.
I’ve retired from my copywriting business. I’m still teaching metaphysics. If you would like to know what is behind the way I think, pat.matson@gmail.com is the best way to reach me. I want to make hundreds more new friends and share what I’ve learned before it’s time to go toes up. BTW, I’ve always thought living to be 126 was a great idea. I’m working on it.
Author: Pat Matson
Pat Matson’s path of life’s unfoldment has led her into the world of copywriting where she lends her expertise to the writing of blogs, ezines, curriculum and articles with a common sense message for entrepreneurs, especially life coaches or spiritual coaches. Pat loves to bring the story inside her clients representing their businesses out into the world that needs it so. In addition to her copywriting, Pat is a Walter Method Teacher of metaphysics where she helps illuminate Life’s Laws for her students. Pat’s Write Mind is her home base.
Pat Matson’s path of life’s unfoldment has led her into the world of copywriting where she lends her expertise to the writing of blogs, ezines, curriculum and articles with a common sense message for entrepreneurs, especially life coaches or spiritual coaches. Pat loves to bring the story inside her clients representing their businesses out into the world that needs it so. In addition to her copywriting, Pat is a Walter Method Teacher of metaphysics where she helps illuminate Life’s Laws for her students. Pat’s Write Mind is her home base.