Back in the Dating Game?

by kalonadmin

If you’re back in the dating game after a decade or more, you know the world has changed mightily. Technology has changed the way we live, and it is more likely introductions will be computer-based than made by someone you know.
But there are things you should consider before you create your first computer dating profile or begin an online search for a soulmate. Kristi Dosh, writing for Woman’s Day, offers dating strategies you should know:
- Everyone is a detective. Chances are you and your date will Google each other for information before you meet. If you find a red flag, don’t hesitate to opt out. If you do go, realize that he may know more about you than you think.
- There is less of a filter. The anonymity of online correspondence means some people will reveal too much too soon about themselves, their past, even their love life. If you feel uncomfortable, you probably should be. Don’t hesitate to decline to respond or even block a sender’s messages.
- Chivalry isn’t dead, just different. For safety’s sake, you will want to meet first at a restaurant or other public place instead of disclosing your address. As in the past, though, if he sets up the first date, you have a right to expect that he will pay. After that, you can offer to go Dutch treat.
- Playing hard to get can backfire. There are plenty of date prospects available online, and it’s quite acceptable for a woman to suggest the first meeting once you have corresponded a few times.
- Everyone texts. Texting is deemed acceptable for making or confirming plans or even flirting a bit between dates. Don’t text if something is bothering you. Those conversations should be in person.
- Remaining available is a choice. Most people keep their profiles online unless or until a relationship turns serious. At that point, you need to have a talk about when – or why not – your profiles will be taken down.
- It still takes time. Many people jump right back into the dating game immediately after a divorce or a hurtful break-up. But some things never change, so beware of rushing. Building a good relationship still takes time.
By Barbara Pronin

Author: kalonadmin