Carrie Pierce

Carrie Pierce

Have You Ever Tried All-Natural Deodorant?
By now, you know here at Kalon Women, we genuinely care about you, your health and wellbeing. We constantly keep a sharp eye out for the...

Lotion in Motion- the Link Between Body Lotion, Your Skin and Your Risk of Alzheimer’s
If you’ve read my articles over the years, you know how important your skin is. Comprising 12-15% of your overall body weight, consisting basically of...

Menopausal Acne – How It Happens and What You Can Do About It
Recent studies suggest that by 2030 approximately 40 million women will be Menopausal. That’s a lot of women – and a lot of Menopause-related symptoms...

Lighten Up! Reworking Your Skin Care Routine for Warmer Weather
Well, we’ve finally made it: Spring is Springing and soon Summer will be fast upon us. I can hear the gentle hum of the bees...

Changing Your Life with a Bottle of Lotion
Over the years, I’ve worked with women from all walks of life and from all parts of the world. I’ve noticed a very distinct trend:...

Old Woman – Your Eyes
When I look into your eyes, I see decades… you as a spark- not yet a raging fire. Pains and triumphs… mistakes of Life. I...

Journeyman’s Prayer
She carries her Dream Basket Cradled like a baby, And steps into the meadow. A head full of images And the perfect plan for matching...

Kansa – Your Magic Wand for Maximum Health and Beauty
As some of you may remember, several months back, I suggested transforming your evening TV time into a time of power-packed beauty ritual. In that...

Histamine Intolerance- It’s Nothing to Sneeze At!
At the time of this writing, in some parts of the nation -Polar Vortex excluded- Spring is getting ready to be sprung. Already, tender shoots...

Film at Eleven – Biofilm, Disease and You
Well, the New Year is upon us, bright, shining and filled with Promise! And if you’re like most of us, you’re eager for that fresh...