Pat Matson

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  • Pat Matson


Are You Working the Success Trinity Accurately?

Entrepreneurs are voracious learners and the keenest of observers about life itself and business in particular. When we first began our businesses, we put in...

What Is the Best Job You Ever Had? Was It A Peak Experience?

I consider my very best job a Peak Experience. It was so satisfying, that I work to re-create it in every job I’ve held since...

Does Your Business Teach You the Truth and Does It Hurt?

How many times have you circled the sun? Do you carry along with you the propensity for figuring out the “Why?” of stuff? Then you...

Why Things and People Got Under My Skin

Like the rest of mankind, I’ve let things get under my skin for years. I’d hate like hell for you to think I was writing...

Have You Seen Life’s Patterns?

Are you able to see patterns in your life experience? I discovered this concept in Richard Bach’s Book “One.” At the time, frankly, I didn’t...

Unfolding Acceptance: A Young Girl’s Story

She was the first born, one of those leaderless strong women whose privilege it is to carve a fresh trail so those who follow have...

Springtime Hope: Renew Your Concept of Self, of Business, of Life

In our lifetimes, we live, we move, we have our experiences and our feelings. Sometimes in that process we grow stale. It’s like the old...

Haven’t Women Always Been Strong?

I’d like to talk with you about Possibility Thinking and why the innards of it are so critically important to women’s lives. Our world abounds...

Is Valentine’s Day a Big Disappointment?

Valentine’s Day is one heck of an emotional pot-stirrer, don’t you think?  It’s the time of year when men absolutely must be accurate mind readers,...

Refresh Your Business for 2018

When you chose the graphics for your business “way back when,” you loved them. Folks have gotten used to seeing them. Perhaps it’s time to...